Monday 8 October 2007

Sports and Beer

Every Friday we can use the sports center at the training center. I played….’Cleaning the floor’. Haha. I tried basketball, coupled with the fact I was never good at the game, I’m not too tall, my fitness is way way way low and my elbow still hurts; the game did not last long before we decided to call it a day.

We went to a Japanese Styled Drinking/Eating place called Izakaya. The place is so small, it can probably seat abt 18 people maximum. Once again no pictures, so we had to order by asking what’s available. This is very tough when you don’t really know what the dish is called. Food was really really good, but the price was more expensive then expected. It was probably because of the big plate of very delicious sashimi we had. The yakitori were very good.

As the night progresses, the other Japanese customers got a little high and started to sing Karaoke and a few of them even came over and chat with us in a mixture of English, Japanese and writing the Kanji (Chinese Words). It was a really fun experience for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All i see is photos of shopping and touring and more girls in COSPLAY... gosh!! are u there for work?? hhahaha good life siah