Sunday 15 February 2009


On a really warm day for a winter (feels like spring), I crawled out really early to make my way to Sakudai for some snowboarding fun.

We got a package with a Bullet train package so we did not have to wake up even earlier and take a bus.

Kebab was tastier then I remembered it to be. Must be the lack of breakfast, awful heat (I think was abt 18deg) and the snowboarding.

We skipped lunch and most of us had little or no breakfast. Thus we decided to have a nice dinner at a restaurant which serves Hokkaido products.

Fatty pork meat made tempura style. Imagine that, fatty meat and deep fry.

Tempura crab, done nicely such that shell can be chewed too.

ウニ, also known as Sea Urchins. Eaten raw with wasabi. I personally recommend really fresh ones as it is sweet. Anything less will give you a funny smell.

Sweet raw prawns. Oh forgive me for eating you, but tell your friends how good you tasted the next time I see them when diving

Caramel from Hokkaido
Sky was boasting she was drinking her beer faster then me. I went "Oh good for you". See what happens when you boast!

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