Thursday 24 July 2008

駒門風穴 Komakado

駒門風穴 is a place where the inside of the cave is cool in summer (13 degrees Celsius) and warm in winter and it has a magnificent viewing-points with numerous lava limestones and a passageway where flowing lave was chilled and solidified. Insects with their degenerated eyes live in the cave as well. The cave is designated as a national natural monument.

Pretty interesting to walk through the gates feeling hot and warm, then at the entrance of the cave, it is cool.

And I have delicious water from Mt Fuji to drink.

While observing this beetle, it shitted (the white part). Must have been really too scared of me. A point


Anonymous said...

I see more photos of you now.. good :) keep it up

Unknown said...

haha! Cost most of the pics from friend's cam.